Top 5 favorite Pins

Each week, I will post my five favorite pins for different subjects. Sometimes I may do an entire post on the same subject. Since this is my first one, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite pins this week. Ones that I actually read! I have a habit of pinning and forgetting…even though I have a board titles “Look closer at this week” There are pins in this board that are months old! So, I’ve decided to share a few of my favorites with you this week. These pins really struck a chord in me and touched my life.


I couldn’t have come across this pin at a more appropriate time in my marriage. This year is the year of transformation for me. One those things I’m going to be transforming is my attitude as a wife. I’m rather outspoken and sometimes don’t think about what I’m saying before it is already too late. One of my goals is to be more intentional in what I say. One of those ways is to praise my husband more, instead of nagging him. I need to build my husband, not tear him down.


I love this challenge! I do it every month. It reminds me to be intentional with my children. I am not only here to teach, correct and discipline them. I am here to show them grace and love, along with teaching them how to show grace and love to others as well.


I have yet to make this chore chart, but I LOVE the idea behind it. I’m even thinking of making one for myself! I like that it is interactive and you can really see what you have already done! It is great for all ages preschool to {in my case} adult!

Crafting and Faith in one!

Not only is this pretty, it is functional and interactive! If I’m going to craft something, it needs to be interactive. I really love this Prayer Pail and think it is a wonderful way to get the whole family involved as well. I have my own personal prayer journal that are prayers for other people, but that seems more private than this Prayer Pail. Leave it out in the open and ANYONE in the household can pick a stick and pray for that person/event/group/etc. right then. A time can be set where the family gathers around and prays over each prayer request.

Decorating Home

I am absolutely in love with this little girl’s bedroom! Her mommy did a fabulous job. I’d love to use this as inspiration for my daughter’s room someday when she has her own room. Make sure you check out all the pictures!

{the above 5 pictures in this post are not mine, please follow the links to go to their original blog posts.}

Categories: Crafting, DIY, Inspiration, marriage, Organization, Top 5 | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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